Creating relationship-reality
I hereby announce … I plan on being one of the <insert amount here> percent who do not cheat on their person and who have a happily ever after. I googled “% of men cheat” and decided that rather than pondering the mysteries of the divorce rate as I have in the past, I am going to be inspired by the <insert awe-inspiring amount here> percent of people who stay together. <Awe-inspiring amount> is great, right? Wow!!! Can I be in THAT group? Yaay!
Mary, queen of smart, says “Surrender into the reality that it is true … Continue to relax more and more into it. Keep coming back and re-creating.”
See, I get to create my relationship, see?
I get to say how great it is and how full of light and joy and love. I get to say how much we can communicate when a blip happens. And how much I can step up to the plate when I see he needs help. Or ask for what I need when I need a hand.
We promised to understand that it will not always be perfect. We promised to stick through any tough time and to know that it will pass. We promised to do all we can to make sure it’s always as great as it can be and to support one another as much as we can.
What was my goal?
“A delightfully fun-filled, sweet, soulful, supportive, contented, healthy, loving relationship grounded in trust and filled with positive energy with a special, affectionate, easy-going, loyal, supportive, loving man who adores me and laughs with me every day for years to come.”
Mary (and Kevin) say I have the opportunity to receive it for a lifetime.
Isn’t that cool? A lifetime!