things to do in ny when you’re [ alive ]

Emotional signposts

November 26th, 2025 by gigablonde

Ask and It Is Given Cards, Emotional Guidance

Yesterday I was hit on the head with an emotional signpost.

It actually took about ten minutes for me to finally catch the hint as I was getting ready to go out and found myself feeling bad, bad, bad.

At first I just kept on keepin’ on, completely forgetting that if I’m feeling bad, it means I’m off track. It’s actually not a “bad” thing at all, even though we always seem to call it that.

It’s good to feel this because it’s a sign.

Y’know those rough-hewn signposts on the desert island when you’re approaching the volcano or the headhunter’s lair? The ones that say “Danger” … “Turn Back” … “This means YOU!”

Yeah, those.

Well, you’ll notice the language gets stronger and stronger the more you don’t listen til finally they’re saying, “HEY, STUPID!

Same with the emotional ones. The feelings get worse and worse until before you know it, you’re being bashed on the head with an emotional signpost.

Here’s how to fix that:

The longer you wait the tougher it is but if you catch ‘em real quick you can stop and take a look around at the terrain.

Ok, what’s going on here? Look at your thoughts. What was I just thinking? Retrace your steps back until you’ve got the culprit.

You may *believe* it’s an event that caused it but even so, you’ll find it’s your thought *about* the event that’s the real culprit.

Slippery lil buggers.

So yesterday. When I retraced my thoughts I realized I had been criticizing my hair.

And now you are laughing at me. “Your hair??” Such a seemingly insignificant thing, right? But it was the seed. The beginning.

That’s where it started.

This week I went to the salon and had them put in reverse highlights, which means putting in streaks of brown through the blonde. At the time, I liked it!

But when I was getting ready to go out last night I looked in the mirror and asked, “Does that look like a mousy brown? Hey,I think maybe you look ugly.”

Well, it gradually went to hell after that lovely little bit of self-talk.

I began thinking, “Well, if you want to change it, you’ll need to wait two months, you can’t overprocess your hair by changing it now” and on and on. I must’ve been talking to myself for ten minutes before realizing, “Hey, I’m feelin’ ba-a-ad!”

Funny thing was, I didn’t know why! Til I traced my footsteps back to that pesky thought about mousy hair. Ha! So funny what we do to ourselves, right?

So “thank you bad emotions” because you woke me up to some nasty stuff I was sayin’ to myself. I was going in entirely the *wrong* direction and needed to chart a new course.

A course that sounded a little bit like this:

  • I doubt you look *that* much different than you did yesterday when you felt just fine.
  • Luckily hair is not permanent, you can always change it if you really want to.
  • I’m pretty sure the people at the meeting won’t throw you out if your hair isn’t right! ;)

It helps to have a sense of humor about the situation.

So I remind myself:

“Every emotion I feel is guidance from my adoring Inner Being.

Because my Inner Being offers a strong and steady vibrational signal, I can always feel my allowance or resistance to that signal.

The better I feel, the more aligned I am.

The worse I feel, the more out of alignment I am.

As I reach for good-feeling emotions, I am in alignment with the signal of my Source.”

- Abraham-Hicks, from their artsy and inspiring
Ask and It Is Given Cards

Ask and It Is Given Cards

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Flowing with universal laws

November 5th, 2025 by gigablonde

A Happy Pocket Full of Money Article

Excerpted from an article by David Cameron, author of the empowering and perception-shifting book A Happy Pocket Full of Money.

There are two very simple questions which, once you get their answers, can change your life dramatically for the better. This is so because these two questions relate to absolutely everything that you experience and create in your life.

Everything in this universe runs under universal laws that never err even once. To be in the flow - to live in harmony with these laws - leads you to being all-around prosperous. Such harmony results in effortless well-being and prosperity, simply because you would be riding the currents that build and maintain all of creation.

Now the two questions:

1. What are universal laws? (Hint: They are like glue.)

2. Why are there any universal laws? (The answer is more profound than you think it is!)

Let us now look at the answer to both of these questions. Once you have the answer, you will begin to see how dramatically your life can be empowered by your new insight.

A universal law is a bond that connects all experience so as to achieve total knowing. It was a big project, but it worked! Now let us look at some of these laws and see specifically how they apply.

Before we start, it is important to know that these laws do not punish you for breaking them; they cannot be broken. Suffering simply comes up when you try to ride against them. It is amazing how much time and effort can be saved by riding along with them. You literally collapse time when you are in the flow.

Law of Gratitude -

You have heard many times that an attitude of gratitude has the power to get you realizing your dreams at record speed. Why? Because gratitude completes the cycle of knowing. Remember, you cannot know what is without knowing what is not. What you like and what you hate are two ends of the same thing.

For example, if you like being with your spouse and hate being separated from them, realize that you are working within the same essence, which is your spouse. It is because of the moments of absence that you appreciate and recognize the moments of presence.

When you are grateful for both what you like and what you don’t like, you complete the knowingness and you are released from having to experience what you don’t like. This cannot be explained logically, but some very significant shifts occur in your mind and soul (and you can feel this releasing shift) whenever you are genuinely grateful for all things, even the ones you don’t like.

Gratitude will speed you through your growth and success more than any amount of hard work ever can. Gratitude completes the lesson, and as a statement of completion rings that tone of success, pulling to you the end result desired.

Another way to put it is that you cannot leave a situation permanently unless you appreciate the gifts it brings you, and all situations bring a gift, no matter how terrible the situation may appear to be. This law ensures that you will always complete your knowing and embrace all that is before moving on.

Law of Attraction -

This law states that you attract whatever you put your attention to. The point of this law is to establish the creative power of thought. Whatever you put in your conscious or subconscious mind, you attract into your experience.

This law is very much tied to the law of cause and effect. It is the law that establishes you as a being made in the image and likeness of the Creator, with a mind that possesses the same creative properties.

Before you learn that you indeed have this power, your mind will wonder and raise many thoughts, some of which conflict and attack you. At this level, things such as doubt and preferences exist, for you do not think you are responsible and powerful enough to be the creator of your reality.

As you watch your life and begin to see the link between your thoughts and your experiences, you become a deliberate thinker, and you no longer think negative, doubt or even have preferences.

Finally, you create purely by extension of your thought without doubt or conflict. This law ensures that one way or another, you will get to that point.

Law of Cause and Effect (karma) -

It is easy to see the use of this law. It simply shows you that you are an active part of All That Is, that your will has effect. As you grow, you begin to see the link between your thoughts, words and actions with your reality. This leads to responsibility and increased power and care.

This law ensures that through this process you come to eventually know yourself as a sovereign creator. It is a gentle law that lets you build your own evidence, for whatever you believe you will see as truth, until the day you step aside and notice this link. At this point you become a Deliberate Creator.

Law of Love -

Love is the building block of all things. Love is energy. Love is not just some mushy feeling. It is energy, the actual building material of all things. It is an actual substance; in fact it is the only substance that exists, taking on the appearance of many forms.

Love is also acceptance. It is acknowledging that All Things Are One. The law of love ensures that you see this truth.

You cannot leave an experience permanently unless you exit with love and acceptance. That is why people tend to keep repeating the same types of experiences until the day they stop hating and fighting it and instead embrace it with love and see what the situation holds for them, and heal it with love.

This could be a money, health or relationship issue. It doesn’t matter. You cannot leave a situation permanently until you exit it with love. You can’t permanently get rid of what you hate; you can only leave it or transform it through love.

This law ensures that you recognize the truth of unity and drop the illusions of separation.

Do you now clearly see how these laws work and how your life can be so much more effortless and prosperous simply by flowing with the laws? Why resist what you can’t break? Just flow with it! Resistance creates time, acceptance creates miracles.

Look at all this again and you will see how time and effort are the creations of resistance against these unbreakable laws. For certain, flow with the laws and they will carry you where you wish to go effortlessly. They have to - they can never fail! You were not meant to struggle - struggle is unnatural. I wish you the highest possible achievements.

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For even greater insights into your quest for prosperity and freedom, visit: Images of One. Excerpted from an article written by David Cameron Gikandi, author of A Happy Pocket Full of Money.

A Happy Pocket Full of Money Article

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