Emotional signposts
Yesterday I was hit on the head with an emotional signpost.
It actually took about ten minutes for me to finally catch the hint as I was getting ready to go out and found myself feeling bad, bad, bad.
At first I just kept on keepin’ on, completely forgetting that if I’m feeling bad, it means I’m off track. It’s actually not a “bad” thing at all, even though we always seem to call it that.
It’s good to feel this because it’s a sign.
Y’know those rough-hewn signposts on the desert island when you’re approaching the volcano or the headhunter’s lair? The ones that say “Danger” … “Turn Back” … “This means YOU!”
Yeah, those.
Well, you’ll notice the language gets stronger and stronger the more you don’t listen til finally they’re saying, “HEY, STUPID!”
Same with the emotional ones. The feelings get worse and worse until before you know it, you’re being bashed on the head with an emotional signpost.
Here’s how to fix that:
The longer you wait the tougher it is but if you catch ‘em real quick you can stop and take a look around at the terrain.
Ok, what’s going on here? Look at your thoughts. What was I just thinking? Retrace your steps back until you’ve got the culprit.
You may *believe* it’s an event that caused it but even so, you’ll find it’s your thought *about* the event that’s the real culprit.
Slippery lil buggers.
So yesterday. When I retraced my thoughts I realized I had been criticizing my hair.
And now you are laughing at me. “Your hair??” Such a seemingly insignificant thing, right? But it was the seed. The beginning.
That’s where it started.
This week I went to the salon and had them put in reverse highlights, which means putting in streaks of brown through the blonde. At the time, I liked it!
But when I was getting ready to go out last night I looked in the mirror and asked, “Does that look like a mousy brown? Hey,I think maybe you look ugly.”
Well, it gradually went to hell after that lovely little bit of self-talk.
I began thinking, “Well, if you want to change it, you’ll need to wait two months, you can’t overprocess your hair by changing it now” and on and on. I must’ve been talking to myself for ten minutes before realizing, “Hey, I’m feelin’ ba-a-ad!”
Funny thing was, I didn’t know why! Til I traced my footsteps back to that pesky thought about mousy hair. Ha! So funny what we do to ourselves, right?
So “thank you bad emotions” because you woke me up to some nasty stuff I was sayin’ to myself. I was going in entirely the *wrong* direction and needed to chart a new course.
A course that sounded a little bit like this:
- I doubt you look *that* much different than you did yesterday when you felt just fine.
- Luckily hair is not permanent, you can always change it if you really want to.
- I’m pretty sure the people at the meeting won’t throw you out if your hair isn’t right!
It helps to have a sense of humor about the situation.
So I remind myself:
“Every emotion I feel is guidance from my adoring Inner Being.
Because my Inner Being offers a strong and steady vibrational signal, I can always feel my allowance or resistance to that signal.
The better I feel, the more aligned I am.
The worse I feel, the more out of alignment I am.
As I reach for good-feeling emotions, I am in alignment with the signal of my Source.”
- Abraham-Hicks, from their artsy and inspiring
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