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Being with the monster

May 21st, 2025 by Col

Col’s monster

Once upon a time there was a girl who had depression. And it was baaaaaaad. He was a big, hairy monster that slept over every night and ate all her food.


Ooh! y’scared me!

And he would not go away, no matter how hard she tried. I’ll tell you a secret. It hurt so much she wished she could die.

Craigie told me:

There are two ways of “doing” in life and they look the same but couldn’t be more different.

One is running away from the monster and the other is moving towards the light.

When you’re thinking, “I have to pay the bills, I have to do this, I have to do that” and that is pushing you and you’re going, going, going … that’s running from the monster. When you feel pain and you try to run from it, that’s running from the monster.

You’re running so it seems like you must be going somewhere but in truth you’re not getting anywhere. When you’re working at your computer and you begin to feel that stress in your belly … STOP.

Stop and do something. Go for a walk. Take a nap. Pick up the phone. Something which nurtures you.

Am I feeling …

  • Hungry?
  • Angry?
  • Lonely?
  • Tired?
  • If so, HALT … stop and go take care of that. Nurturing yourself is on the first floor and you can’t go rushing up to the thirty-eighth floor, you need to begin on the first floor.

    When you haven’t taken care of *you*, the monster starts whispering things in your ear and he’s a liar.

    He may tell you that you can’t deal with this. He may tell you you’re not good at living. The monster is lying to you, he wants you dead, the f*cker!

    So there are bills to pay. There are very few truly *big* things in life. Are you going to bed hungry? No. Are you living without a roof over your head? No. You’re safe. You’re ok. And if you’re not, then call me.

    When the pain and fear comes up, sit and meditate on it. Be with it. Don’t escape it, face it head on. It hurts but if you FEEL what the pain is like, you’ll realize that the FEAR of it was much worse and longer than the actual “labor pain” of hurt … it passes in about 30 minutes, I find, truly.

    At the end of the day, put a line down the middle of the piece of paper and ask yourself, “how much of this day was spent with the monster winning and how much of the day was spent moving towards the light?” and hopefully more than half will be the latter. That is your goal.

    Moving towards the light looks like doing things which feel right and good in your soul. Moving towards the light means taking care of *you*. Because if you don’t do that, you’re no good for anyone. You need to begin on the first floor.

    Feed, clothe, rest and comfort your mind and body the way you would an 8 year old you found in the rain in front of your house who had no memory where he/she belonged.

    Craigie wakes up in the morning and goes right down on his knees and thanks God in advance that more time is going to be spent today in moving towards the light. Then he reads something nurturing to line up how he wants his day to go. Before e-mail, before turning the phone on, before anything. Frame your day.

    When I hear the monster, it helps even just to recognize it as the monster and to know that the monster lies. When I hear, “there is so much to do, I can’t do it all, I can’t handle this” I know that there is only one thing to do and that is the one thing I am doing right now. Each moment there is only one thing. And everything is ok and everything will continue to *be* ok.

    my favorite little Depression Primer 

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    Warm hugs and a huge “thank you” to Craigie for requesting the *long* version of my story, for taking the time to listen and to care and for showering me with such strong language and empowering words of wisdom.

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On feeling first

May 13th, 2025 by Col

Proud, free, loved

“Most people believe that if they ‘have’ a thing (more time, money, love – whatever) then they can finally ‘do’ a thing (write a book, take up a hobby, go on vacation, buy a home, undertake a relationship), which will enable them to ‘be’ a thing (happy, peaceful, content, or in love).

In actuality, they are reversing the Be-Do-Have paradigm. In the Universe as it really is (as opposed to how you think it is), ‘havingness’ does not produce ‘beingness’, but the other way around. First you ‘be’ the thing called ‘happy’ (or ‘knowing’, or ‘wise’, or ‘compassionate’, or whatever) then you start ‘doing’ things from this place of beingness- and soon you discover that what you are doing winds up bringing you the things you’ve always wanted to ‘have.’

The way to set this creative process (and that’s what this is… the process of creation) into motion is to look at what it is you want to ‘have,’ ask yourself what you think you would ‘be’ if you ‘had’ that, then go right straight to being. In this way you reverse the way you’ve been using the Be-Do-Have paradigm-in actuality, set it right-and work with, rather than against, the creative power of the universe.

Here is a short way of stating this principle: In life, you do not have to do anything. It is all a question of what you are being.”

- Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God (Vol. 3)

Revelation! Wonderfully shocking, shockingly wonderful revelation!

  1. Question One: What would you like to *HAVE*?

    I would like to have abundance. (Duh ;) ) You too?

  2. Question Two: If you had that, what would you *DO*?

    If I was abundant and prosperous, I would be generous with family and friends. I would go out for sushi absolutely *all* the time! I would eat all the yummy, healthy foods which I love. I would do what I wanted when I wanted to do it. How about you?

  3. Question Three: If you did that, how would you *FEEL*?

    If I was generous, ate my favorite healthy foods and did what I wanted when I wanted … I would feel free! Wow, if I as abundant and generous, my father would be so proud of me! I would feel sooooo proud, free and loved!

Ok, so my key is: proud, free and loved.

We typically don’t want things for any reason other than how we *think* we would feel once we get them. Now, bypass the need to know how it’s going to happen. Bypass the need for the “thing” … and become a vibrational match to the feeling. That is your key.

Today, ask yourself, “What would a (proud, free, loved, fill in the blanks) person do?”

Once I discovered this, I began taking inspired action according to the feeling state I was desiring. Yearning for, really. When I asked, “What can I do today that would make me feel proud?” it was so very simple and clear what action I wanted to take, what action called to me and what action would bring me that feeling right now. Today.

Now, if Neale Donald Walsch and my new friend Elyse are right, the “stuff” will begin to show up … but by then, it’s icing on the cake.

Conversations with God, Volume 3

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A very special thanks to Elyse Hope Killoran for eliciting this light bulb moment! One little Prosperity Partnership call and >poof!< it all began beautifully and perfectly falling into place. Hugs and kisses, you are a gift, Elyse!
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Tapping your way to abundance?

May 8th, 2025 by Col

(Would I leave you hanging? Scroll down for parts two and three.)
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Yup, it’s true! Thanks to the cool guy with the funky hair … (thank you British-guy!) … I’ve finally tried something I’ve been hearing about (and have been completely dismissing) for yeeeears … EFT … Emotional Freedom Technique.

One’a those “this seems too easy, it couldn’t be true”-type scenarios, you know the ones! :)

What an interesting experience this was. Some physical thing was going on because I kept yawning and experiencing energetic sensations throughout the session … a session which, cool-ly enough, you can do yourself. No need to hire a guru or support person. British-guy guides you through the whole process in a super-clear, super-easy manner.


At the risk of sounding like a weirdo, I have to say … it did work. I tapped on the sad emotions I had been experiencing about my lost relationship and in doing this, the upset subsided.


Was it the tapping or the distraction? I don’t know but whatever it was, nice to have a tool to pull out when needed.

Would like to try again when a super-duper-intense emotion comes up … like an end-of-my-rope type thing. *NOT* that I’m tryin’ to attract such a thing but if it ever does recur, I’d like to try this.

They say you can use it for pain, depression, food cravings and many other things … that these issues will subside with this technique. The book Energy Tapping shows how to apply the technique to specific areas and guides you through.

Energy Tapping book



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Sunshine in Your Pocket

May 5th, 2025 by Col


“YOU create your own reality and the universe is simply reflecting back to you the essence of how you’re feeling about it! Joseph Campbell said, ‘Follow your bliss.’ Abraham shows you where you left your compass. Your compass? Your emotions. They are your guide.

And, as such, no one—no institution, ‘movement,’ family or friends—not even Abraham—is better qualified to direct you. Your emotions are your very own GPS (Global Positioning System), a rock-steady, unfailing and unerring ‘personal navigational device’ to get you where you want to go.”


We are all constantly creating everything that we experience. And we can consciously design what we want by looking for and surrounding ourselves whenever possible with whatever makes us feel *good*. The point is to stay in positive energy.

Looking for a relationship? Who would you rather go out with … the person who’s constantly complaining or someone who is smiling? Who would you rather do business with … the miserable person stuck in the daily grind or the guy who radiates natural enthusiasm for what he does? Who would you rather partner with? Who would you rather befriend? Who would you rather *be*?

Immerse yourself in whatever makes you feel good and while you’re going about your business in a positive state, stuff starts happening. Good stuff.

Keeping yourself in positive vibration aligns you with the things you want to bring into your world. Make a list: What makes you smile? What makes you feel good? What brings you emotional sunshine?

Think sights, sounds, tastes, sensations …

  • Uptempo music
  • Apples and peanut butter
  • Funny movies
  • The doll that looks just like me
  • Bearhugs
  • Pretty colors
  • Mermaids
  • The beach
  • Birds chirping
  • Soft blankets
  • Sushi
  • Music from India
  • Making art
  • Drinks with friends
  • Dancing like a rock star
  • Singing when nobody is around
  • New flavors
  • Your inner goddess
  • Laughing
  • Open minded people
  • Taking pictures
  • Fairies
  • Angels in the flesh
  • Pretty blue skies
  • Learning
  • Teaming up with someone
  • Birthday cake
  • Candles
  • Collage
  • Moroccan style
  • Experiencing new adventures
  • Stars
  • Bunny rabbits
  • The sun on my face

Keep a list of “sunshine in your pocket” readily accessible at any given moment … and make sure to include something from your list into each and every day.

There’s a place that I go
That nobody knows
Where the rivers flow
And I call it home
And there’s no more lies
And the darkness is light
And nobody cries
there’s only butterflies

The sun is on my side
Take me for a ride
I smile up to the sky
I know I’ll be alright

- Natasha Bedingfield, “Pocketful Of Sunshine”

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